Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What I like about a "Like" page and 7 weeks into the project....

What I like about the features of  our "Like" page
  • privacy for the "Likers"
  • easy posting of pics and other items
  • a direct email sent weekly with "insights", useful to see what people are really looking at
  • not a lot of chit chat of a personal nature ,just direct comments to items
  • list of pages for general interest and info

7 weeks into the project
  • regular posts to our Facebook page with pics and other items shared from news sites etc, not just about us. I have found this generates interest and a return to our page .
  • posts to other Facebook sites about us such as  LearnLocal and local business sites 
  • Our new photography group are starting a Group Facebook page,when they upload pics they can all see them ,so if they are unable to attend they can do so from home or while travelling. Keeping them connected and improving their skills
  • Community sessions on the use of Facebook and how to set up an account, this has been a huge challenge as there has been many application changes some over night. In the sessions when this happened it has provided the opportunity to explain how quickly things change and open up conversations around looking for help on sites.How ever not very relaxing sessions for our always prepared tutor !!!!

  • "What is" sessions on Blogging and Twitter 
  • How to use your new laptop
  • Cloud photo storage and free applications
 The most important part of the success of the community sessions has been accurately assessing their skills.                                                                                                                                                                           This is not always easy as people don't volunteer their lack of skill easily.
  • When running a facebook class for newbies check if they have a Facebook password 
  • Separate the classes, one for total new users only (makes class less frustrating ,no one has to wait while they sign up)
  • Make sure they bring a Facebook password with them if they have signed up before
  • Valid email addresses and passwords to accounts so they can set up and activate their new Facebook account (you would be surprised how many don't know this)
  • Even getting a Gmail account is often tedious
  • Check what skills they have,we have had many who have just got a new laptop/pc and are still floundering with the Internet & Emails. With these people we highly suggest that they complete a beginner IT class first... less frustrating all round.
Learning about your Laptops features